About THE BC chapter
The BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food is a provincial chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food, administered by the Public Health Association of BC.
In 2018, four BC-based Coalition members launched the BC Chapter; since then, the BC Chapter has grown to 60 member organizations across the province. The BC Chapter is also endorsed by 30+ organizations who stand behind the Coalition’s vision of a universal, healthy school food program for all K-12 students in BC and Canada. Learn more about our network here.
The BC Chapter is collectively advocating for public investment - including funding and support - for a high quality school food program that meets guiding principles based on best practices. The BC Chapter provides a united voice for those across British Columbia, to advocate and work collectively towards the development, expansion and enrichment of school food programs that meet the diverse needs of BC’s school communities.
The three main activities of the BC Chapter are:
to advocate to BC and Federal Governments for public investment in school food programs;
to engage with a wide variety of school food stakeholders in BC and grow the school food movement;
to help connect and share information between the thousands of diverse school food program practitioners across BC and Canada.
Read more about the activities of the BC Chapter in our Terms of Reference.

support our work
Donate to the BC Chapter
Leveraging the groundswell of school food activity in BC, the BC Chapter provides a space for those on ground to unite with a common voice and engage in collective action. Donating to the BC Chapter today gives us continued capacity to engage school communities and advocate for healthy school food in British Columbia! Will you chip in today?

Other ways to support us
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BC supports a national school food program
The BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food is hosted by the Public Health Association of BC, and led by a Steering Committee including BC members of the Coalition for Healthy School Food and the National Coordinator of the Coalition for Healthy School Food. Many national organizations also work on school food in British-Columbia.